Friday, February 11, 2005

Nothing really much to say...

Well, nothing much to say really. I've been working this week. Yay. Got my own micrometer at work. Its an eight inch digital micrometer. Though I'm probably going to keep it in my locker for the most part, but we'll see.

Chris is sick.

Lots of people are getting pissy at work. It kinda sucks. I'm working tonight, I can use the overtime. Yay overtime!


Thursday, February 10, 2005

What's new?

Well, I'm going to be moving at the end of April. As of May 1st, the house will be no longer...

People wanted to break up this time. Pretty much everybody this time.

I will probably be looking in the Sheppard and Yonge area, but this is tentative. We'll see where I end up.

Car will probably be sorted out on Monday/Tuesday of next week. is interesting. Not much else really new.


Tuesday, February 08, 2005


Tired...really tired.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Hidee Hidee hidee Hiiiiiiii!

Lowde lowde lowde lowwwwwww!

Enough of that.

Garbage rocks. You know, the band. I never knew that the lead singer was scottish or somewhat. She has an incredibly thick brogue. She is uber cool.

Teen Girl Squad has another episode! Battle of the Bands!! IT RAWKS!

Nothing else is new. Going to Pat's B-day thingy. Think I'll bring some booze. 'Cause booze is good. That and I'm nearly broke until tomorrow night. And after that I will be quite broke 'cause I hafta pay some billy bills. Damn billy bills!!!

Anyhoo. Cheers all. Have a good one (or two or three!)

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Oh yeah, P.S.

I don't have strep throat, I just have a head cold I think. Sneezy and shit.

So people know that I don't have strep throat. :P

Calmer, and soon to be with car again.

Well, apparently in the next week sometime, I will likely find myself with a car again. Funny that. Its the Mazda 626. Its got power locks and windows, a nice roomy car. Since its newer I'm hoping to get better gas mileage. The only "difficulty" will be getting used to driving a standard car, which I already have some practise doing.

Finally got the other one towed. Gone as of 10:30 this morning. (I was in the middle of this post when the guy came) So no more worries about that either. Things are looking good!

So, with this news in mind it is quite likely that I will be in Cobourg for some of the weekend because I will have to get the insurance changed over.

Tyler, if you happen across this, I will say its a four door that is roomy and also looks pretty good, I don't think you'll mind the looks of this one. LOL!


Friday, February 04, 2005


Yes, you read that correctly. I want to kill Chris. The impotent rage coursing through me right now has no rival. He's bitching. Yes, bitching at me to get the car towed. Okay, I should have done it a few days ago, I'll admit it. We sort of come to an arrangement: I phone the wrecker's today, he cleans the car out.

He sort of did it.

But thats not the problem.

In order to send your car to the wreckers, you need your ownership papers. Quite understandably, since they probably want to make sure that you're wrecking your own car. But guess what? Chris either has hid them (great deal of help they are hidden) or even better, the dumbass PROBABLY HAS THEM WITH HIM. So, consequently, I who has called the wreckers will have tell them to not come and will have to put it all off until I can locate them.

I just wanna stab him once, is that so bad?

Thursday, February 03, 2005

A title!!

Yup. Nothing really new here. Though I may not get to Cobourg this weekend like I had planned, because I have to work on Friday. Feeling better. Still planning on going to Pat's B-day thingy on Sunday.

I think I'll go find somethin' to eat now. :P

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Tired and a little queasy...

I think my Mom jinxed me yesterday. As I was leaving home she said "You take your health for granted" and last night I left work early because I felt sick. I'm feeling a little better after another 8 hours of sleep. Though heavily interrupted sleep. I think I'll have some soup. Maybe go out and buy some Tylenol and Miso Soup. (Miso soup is the shit man!)

Hung out with Pat yesterday (and Friday too, I forgot to mention that!) and I met the mysterious Justin whom I have heard about.

I have a line on a pretty cheap car. I may go with this instead of waiting. Its a '94 Mazda, and its only like $2500 (though I think Sven, my middle man can negotiate it down). Why should I be able to get it cheap you ask? Apparently he can't get rid of it because it is standard. I'm willing to learn. I sort of know already since I had been driving Dave's car occasionally. At least I won't have automatic transmission problems...We'll see. The jury's still out on this one.

Anyhoo, thats about all of any significance.
