I dunno why it bothered me so much.
Kevin comes up to me and tells me he is going to the CMX tomorrow with Dave (my boss). What had been passed onto me was that I was going tomorrow with Mike.
Now since both Kevin and I work at the counter, where the majority of the day to day sales are, and since there is only 4 staff for said counter, it is not practical to say the least, that both of us go at the same time.
So I point out that Mike and I are going tomorrow, and that we cannot both leave and that my (or rather Mike's) plans pre-existed his. He says to me that he had already talked to Dave long ago (implying that his plan pre-existed mine) and that he could not go on Friday because of some other (non-work related) plans. And then stated that I had to change my plans.
Now I think I've gotten it down to 3 things:
a)Despite his implication that his plans pre-existed my own, he had made plans with Dave just before he spoke to me about it.
b)It is not my issue that he cannot go on Friday because of non-work related issues. I know, it is kinda callous of me to say I don't give a flying fuck what he's got going on outside, but when we're talking about work, I really don't.
c)I just really, really didn't like him flatly saying "Change YOUR plans", I mean, what kind of attitude is that? I mean, if he had been a little more, I dunno...concilliatory I wouldn't have been so put off.
So in general it has put me into an admittedly bitchy mood, which I am not sure how to alleviate.
Onto other things. Not really any more important than bitching about a guy I work with, but hey, I'll keep going anyways.
The Veissmann training went well. I am now somewhat familiar with their product line, which does seem decent, though expensive.
Got pretty loaded on Monday night. One of the contractors wanted to drink and so I was like "sure" so he bought some beer and rum...I ended up drinking 1/2 a 40 oz. of rum with him.
I also learned a bit more about heating systems and controls, which was neat, and I have a much better grasp on heating systems now, so point acheived.
I will be going to CMX some point this week, and next month I am going to a Tekmar seminar, and I've been informed I will be going to Lancaster (I have no idea where in the states they are) and Triangle Tube too at some point, to learn about thwir boilers. And possibly NTI as well, so its all cool.
And right now I am ignoring a guest, so I will end this here.
Lates all!